

An electronic universal testing machine is a device used to test the mechanical properties of materials. It is usually used for various mechanical tests such as tension, compression, and bending. In order to ensure the normal operation and accurate testing of the testing machine, care and maintenance are very important.

Maintenance steps:


Regularly clean the outside and inside of the testing machine to ensure there is no dust, dirt or debris.

Be careful to clean lubricated areas to prevent deposits from forming.


Make sure all areas that need lubrication are properly lubricated.

Use the manufacturer’s recommended oil or grease and change it according to the prescribed schedule.

Check the sensors and measuring system:

Regularly check and calibrate sensors to ensure measurement accuracy, and check whether the connection of the measurement system is firm to avoid errors.

Check cables and connections:

Regularly check that cables and connections are intact, especially during high load and high frequency tests.

Make sure all connections are tight to prevent problems caused by looseness.

Maintenance steps:

Regular calibration:

Calibrate the testing machine regularly according to the recommendations in the equipment instruction manual.

Make sure the calibration process is performed in a controlled environment.

Check the control system:

Check the control system of the testing machine to ensure that all instruments and control panels are functioning properly.

Replace worn parts:

Regularly inspect critical components of the testing machine, such as grips, grip pads, and sensors.

Replace seriously worn parts in a timely manner to ensure test accuracy and reliability.

Maintain hydraulic system (if applicable):

If the testing machine uses a hydraulic system, regularly check the quality of the hydraulic oil and replace the oil seal and filter.

Clean hydraulic systems to prevent contamination and leaks.

Training operators:

Make sure operators are professionally trained and understand proper use and maintenance procedures.

Provide necessary documents and operation flow charts to strictly follow the process instructions so that operators can use the testing machine correctly.

Post time: Nov-11-2023